Metabolism 新陈代谢 – 后浪推前浪


Leave the bullies to the bullies. 生命在于运动,善守者藏于九地之下,善攻者动于九天之上。

We often take for granted the fact that everyone needs to breathe in and breathe out constantly. If we hold our breath for more than one minute we will realize that, without a healthy metabolism, life simply cannot be sustained.

Many Chinese American came to the United States inspired by American ideals and conservative values, such as “all men are created equal” and “liberty and justice for all”. A large portion of Chinese Americans came to this country heeding the plea by Ronald Reagan: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall,” and now we are talking about building a wall to make America great again. We were all profoundly moved by President Reagan’s “shining city upon a hill” speech; the city was built by immigrants, and that speech could not have been a masterpiece without words like “pilgrim” and “boat”. Those words are still ringing loud and clear in our ears.

America is a nation built by immigrants. The American Revolution would not have been victorious without immigrants. The North would not have won the Civil War without immigrants. In World War II, America saved the world with the children of European immigrants and excluded Asian American soldiers such as those of Philippines. The very idea of “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” is for immigrants and their children. To think we can stop at a certain point with an optimum mix of superior racial and ethnic making and live happily ever after is childish, shortsighted, and even laughable.

Building a wall around ourselves is not going to make America great, and writing “Emilie should go back to China” is not going to make Fairfield a better city. If the Fairfield school district continues to choose isolation and inaction, we choose openness and action. To us, the phrase “America is great” means it’s powerful and strong, open and vast. Just as there’s a Jungle Jim’s in Fairfield, so there are grocery stores and Jungle Jim’s in other suburbs; as there is Performance Toyota in Fairfield, so are there other Toyota dealerships all around the Tri-state area.

There is the Fairfield school district in Fairfield, but with help from Greater Cincinnati or broader areas of communities, Fairfield kids do not have to attend Fairfield high school when feeling bullied. Let’s leave the bullies to the bullies, and see how the Fairfield business community and Fairfield residents would react to a bullying school district.

Let’s see how a community can thrive without managing its immigration policies properly. Oh, did we mention the historical records? This is America, where immigrants always win.